Thursday, 26 February 2015

super hero

Hero is our topic for the term

Lost and found

Lost and found

geoffrey  became lost in dense bush after wandering off from heaven where he had spent the day with his best friend Join.

He went into the dark screaming  horror bush His clothes were ripped from the native plants and he was left naked in the bush without food and he couldn't contact anyone
The bush was very dangerous there were so many dangerous animals such as snakes, spiders, leeches, and crocodiles

I could smell fresh cut grass and posnes leaves

I could taste my favorite food which was chicken nuggets i was so hungry

A huge crowed was sent out to  look for him for 15 days. Before it was called off when 50% of the  people believed he had died in the bush .50% of  many other people thought he was lead out by angels

he said that there were ghost in the ghosts But maybe what other people thought was
he suffered many injuries bites, scratches, sunburn and infections
After 15 days lost in the bush he finally found his way out and returned with his best friend and child.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Our new class room

Room 10 got there new classroom yesterday I really like the classroom because we all have lockers. We have a netbook cupboard. We made labels for our netbook cupboard and lockers. The lockers are big enough for us only just. Our bag takes most of the room so we have to make more room for our books and pencils. We have been bags and high chairs. We have a charging station. We have different shaped tables.

Monday, 23 February 2015

My second time blogging

My second time blogging. I like the blog because you can spread your feelings across the world and you can chat to each other. You say what you're really proud of. You share work from school to home. I cant wait to blog more this year.

Lets start

Lets start!

Ahhh!!! Yay!!! Lets buddy up. We went on the bus we arrived At Swimarama. We changed into our togs. Then we did rules. The lifeguard introduced herself. Mrs Aireen put us into teams student council were the leaders.

We are all excited. We had to swim 2 lengths of the pool then run 2 km around panmure basin. We got back and it was morning tea time. I had the yummiest food.
Rules for in the pool before free time... We jumped in the pool and swam It was really cold in the pool when I first jumped in but really fun. It got warm later on.

The options we had were we could do splash pad,diving board,water slide and free time in the pool so many options. We were doing wrestling in the pool and throwing balls at each other.
When I went to the splash pad I had a heap of fun I used the machine gun the water in the machine gun was really warm so stayed there for a long time. Then it turned off to other water things like the shower.
When I went down the water slide I feelt scared because it was dark i could not see any thing at all near the end i seen light i was excited that I was at the end.When I jumped of the diving board I was scared. The pool was 4 meters deep. I flooded back up to the top excitedly
  The teachers came in the pool. We had so much fun in the pool with the teachers. I splashed all the teachers and throw plastic balls at them. Then they throw them back at me. There was a giant bowling ball in the pool it made a big splash.
We had lunch. For lunch we had  free sausage sizzle we got called up by classes we got free ice-blocks They were yum. The flavour was lemonade. Then we got more free time in the pool after lunch.

We all got called out of the pool to get changed the showers were full toilets were full changing rooms were full I feel sorry for public because we took the hole changing room for Tamaki primary school. We jumped on the bus and arrived at school.