Today for food technology we baked Red velvet muffins with cream cheese icing they were so yum i worked in a group of 6 there was so many of us it was hard and easy here is a presentation that you can see how to make them down below
I am a Year 7 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 10 and my teachers are Miss Aireen and Whaea Petra.
Thursday, 25 June 2015
Friday, 19 June 2015
Great day!!!
On thursday we did not have technology so there was a note on the board saying to go to the art room and we worked with another teacher named Mrs Manyarg For half a day it was fun mrs Manyung did a prize draw and the prize was headphones we will draw it today friday i cant wait
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Cass and Paige's Matariki
So today Paige and I were working on a padlet about what is Matariki and who and how to celebrate
To see the Padlet please click on Matariki
To see the Padlet please click on Matariki
Friday, 12 June 2015
Richie mccaw
we did this along a go and i did not blog it it was inquiry our topic is heroes this was in term 1 it is now term 2 we are doing myths and legends The work is showing my hero and what it means to me i hope you enjoy.
figurative language
W.A.L.T Use figurative language in a sentence related to a Mythical character.
WE had to read a myth story so then we can make figurative language it was not easy. We had to do 9 words I only did 6 because that's all i could fit on the page and we had to find the main character the story i did is rona and the moon.
why i blogged this because I want the whole word to find something to read and so we can have fun online with our computers which means appropriate cites and appropriate things and community+the whole world can see how tps (tamaki primary school) learns I hope you enjoy
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Descriptive sentences
Today at the library we were looking in books for descriptive sentences these were my favorite sentences
The little cream cat crouched in the warm sunshine.
The light grew dim as the wood drank the dusk.
Friday, 29 May 2015
I think this article is really good for kiwi kids news
people are stupid how they ring the police for no reason.
people are stupid how they ring the police for no reason.
Police Getting Fed up at Non-Urgent 111 calls
Created on May 29, 2015
There has been a significant rise in the number of non-urgent 111 calls, prompting the police to consider whether setting up another call line is necessary. Police have mentioned how frustration is growing at the number of people who call the emergency line with no actual emergency to report. The statistics show it all as last year the police communication call centres received 1.5million calls, of which only 771,000 were emergency 111 calls. But of those calls only a quarter (around 188,000) involved situations where a dispatch was required i.e. a response unit was needed immediately.
The call centre has had a lot of random requests over the years, from people about how to get rid of unwanted rodents, from people asking what the time is and even how to cook a roast dinner. The top 111 calls include:
- I need police here quick because there’s a rat in my kitchen.
- I need to know what time the dairy closes. Do you know their number?
- A bird flew into my window and it’s dead. What do I do with a dead bird?
- It’s Christmas, my family are going to be here in two hours, how do I cook a chicken for them?
Superintendent Dave Trappitt mentions how these unnecessary calls clog up the 111 line, which could cause a significant delay for someone who is actually in a life-threatening situation. He reminds us all that this is a serious issue and the public need to play their part in only using the 111 line for emergencies
Cooking pizza
Walt follow ingredients
first we have to get all our equipment out and get everything ready and then. Wash our hands we turn on the oven we worked in groups of 5 i was with Rachel Isalnita Stanley Brandon.
first we have to get all our equipment out and get everything ready and then. Wash our hands we turn on the oven we worked in groups of 5 i was with Rachel Isalnita Stanley Brandon.
Cooking pizza
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
On subtract ten tumble tasks we had to do 2 times tables it was really easy we had a presentation that we had questions from and we had to write them in our book and the answers.
Maths 2 times tables
I am learning my 5 times tables
On subtract ten tumble tasks we had to do 5 times tables it was really easy we had a presentation that we had questions from and we had to write them in our book and the answers.
On subtract ten tumble tasks we had to do 5 times tables it was really easy we had a presentation that we had questions from and we had to write them in our book and the answers.
Maths 5 times tables.
Friday, 22 May 2015
Whaea Petra want to get room 10 blogging more so she has put a prize box out every Friday she will draw out two names I hope i get pulled out but its only for good quality blogs which means a good description and to have a Walt proof read it so it is really good.
I like blogging because you can share your work around to the whole wide world.
I like blogging because you can share your work around to the whole wide world.
The characteristics of a friend
WALT: find out lots about our friends and what we think they are like.
This learning task shows what I like in a friend. When I was doing this task, I was thinking about my good friend Paige. I think a friend needs to have a bit of laughter and kindness.
Skills for adolescence
Things we learnt at the museum
At the museum we learnt about Myths and Legends it was really fun!! This information shows questions about Egyptian, Greek, Viking and Maori Gods. I was really insteside in the Egyptian gods.
Myths and Legends.
Thursday, 21 May 2015
Cooking technolgy
Walt:follow ingredients
At cooking technology we made peanut brownies they were really yum but before we made them we had to get all our ingredients what we need and picked station we wanted to work in we always work in groups I worked with Nita Masasi and I
At cooking technology we made peanut brownies they were really yum but before we made them we had to get all our ingredients what we need and picked station we wanted to work in we always work in groups I worked with Nita Masasi and I
Cooking Peanut brownies
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Girls soccor
yesterday the girls had a soccer torment it was really fun but every time we went on the field to play it pored down with rain. We lost 3 games and came tie with one game but the score was Nil Nil which was a shame. The whole point of it is to have fun. I really liked it. I played as mild filed striker and defense I worked best at defense.
girls soccer
Bike riding
Today the year 7s and I ride bikes we had an instructor that told us how to but our helmets on safely and ride safely. I really liked it because i went really fast around the track and i found how to change the gears at first i did not it was confusing.
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
Sam smith.
WALT: use Bloom’s Taxonomy to critically summarize a current event.
SC: I can;
- identify key words in a news article.
- use critical thinking skills to analyse a current event.
Silent Sam Smith
When i heard this my eyes watered this is so sad
Silent Sam Smith
Created on May 4, 2015
Singer, Sam Smith, recently brought his world tour to NZ and his amazing voice has gained him fans all over the world but Sam Smith has announced that he now must remained silent!
That’s right Sam Smith hasn’t “spoken a word in three days”. The 22 year old singer was forced to cancel some of his Australian concerts after suffering a haemorrhage on his vocal cords (where blood vessels within the vocal fold burst).
Sam left a message to his fans on his Instagram account apologising for being forced to cancel his concerts and wrote: “Just to let all my beautiful fans know, I’m ok. I am insanely relaxed and am somewhere in the middle of Australia with no phone, no laptop and I haven’t spoken a word in three days.”
Doctors have told Sam that he must fully rest his vocal cords or the haemorrhage may become a long-term problem for the singer.
Rest up Sam Smith!
We went out to play and I played with my friends and we heard the bell we came up stairs and the teacher said we had to run around the field two times and I said ohh because I am really unfit that does not matter as long you give it your best. We went out there and ran i ran to the last tree and walked the rest of the way because i was so so tired and at the end my time was 5 minutes and 10 seconds.
Thursday, 30 April 2015
Food technology date scouns
WALT follow institutions to make food Lavinia Nita and I made it together
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Ripper rugby
we got put into teams and first we did a passing game we had to throw the ball until we got it to the try line and we weren't aloud to run with he ball it was hard and challenging but fun
then the people that had no tags had to get tags and the tags people had to dodge them and if they got you're tags you're out. Then we had a game i got the ball and slipped but i got back up and carried on which was great. we lost by two tries but it was just a fun game
then the people that had no tags had to get tags and the tags people had to dodge them and if they got you're tags you're out. Then we had a game i got the ball and slipped but i got back up and carried on which was great. we lost by two tries but it was just a fun game
On Tuesday we made Anzac biscuits because the year 8s had to go to Tamaki Primary collage we had a very fun day we had to have 4 people in each group and two people had drye and two people had wet Patiirita and i did dry and Paige and lyric did wet so we got to put the flour and oats and sugar and something else i cant remember then we rolled them into balls and flatted them a bit with a spoon but every time i did it with a spoon it broke so i had to do it with my hands and my hands were very greasy and had yuck stuff on it but then i washed them
Saturday, 25 April 2015
C.j and I went to panmure to the anzac day first we went to see the helicopter and the veterans come out and the cadets helped them out of the helicopter and then they went to the anzac car thingy it was fun the veterans were 93
Friday, 24 April 2015
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
I am so happy that i am back at school it was so exciting i had lots of fun i made more new friends i have now made a new board games club for the first time it was so great desire and I played knuckle bones and battle ships it was so fun then we did ssr and managing self to finish the day.
Sunday, 19 April 2015
Me and my cousin pearl were panting then i said we should get 5 colors each then mix the colors up so then we could do cool painting then i said to paint the whole page so then we could fold it in half it came out really cool.
eater show
I went to the easter show first we went to the market area then tickets but got nun so then we went were the cartoon stuff is and the farm it was really fun there were zombies we watched motocross jump and flip it was so fun after we got hot chips.
Today I went to the sylvia park movies and we watched home. When we got there we got mcdonalds then we went to the theater and got ice cream popcorn and pods it was yum the movies was about this animal that liked a human and said he will help her find her mother so then he tried to help but she looked him in the freezer with a broom crossed over it he could not get he said he will fix the car and she said no so he said but i dont want to stay in here she walked and tried to start the car but it did not work so she came in side and let him out so then he fixed the car
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
I woke up yesterday morning and it was so cold that I did not want to hope out of bed I had two blankets on me it felt like i was in ice water 
Storie time
Perhaps luck was one of the many enemies he always had a hard time beating. His luck always showed him its rear side when he needed luck to support his hard work. Yet again, he did everything in his power, or beyond, to be with the one he couldn't live without, he ran out of luck. The person who he loved more than everything in the world had left him, not willingly, but that doesn't make any difference.
Monday, 13 April 2015
Mission bay
Tehaana and I went to Mission bay to walk her friends larisa and Teriser dogs when we parked we were wondering how we would find them so I went and played on the playground for a bit then i got stuck on the swing but i found my way out Tehaana rang them and then we went their way and found them the dogs were so cute their names were Tinks and Zulia they were white and curly fur. After we found then we went and got something to eat we went to a chicken place but they had no chicken so we went to mcdonalds in lunn ave. Then we went to their house and watch movies.
Movie time
C.j and I went to the movies and watched fast and furious 7. It was really great and my favorite part was the end because they came as a family. C.j bought 2 big things of popcorn I really liked it.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Walt have a lot of fun and enjoy the second to last day of school with a movie we have two movies on in each class which is Big Hero 6 or Princess and the Bride we had to get in groups of 4 and we got popcorn and a drink of juice each it was really fun and great I watched big hero 6.
Friday, 27 March 2015
Today at lunchtime I had a different experiments I helped 8 people and made them all happy. I put them and pairs and found them a ball to play with I played in the sampit for a bit held the hoop and played cricket and ball tiggey with little kids it was very fun then they had enough playing with the ball so then I told them to play on the playground then before the bell went I ask them if they had fun and they said yes.
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Malama Honua Whakatau Experience
Today we went to pt england reserve to welcome the two waka's from hawaii it takes them 6 months to get hare and we did a haka a chant and what to welcome them then we shake their hand
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
Dinosaur eggs
We had Dinosaur eggs and mashed potato for dinner tonight it was very yum i've never had dinosaur eggs before. Its a sausage shaped in a ball with a boiled egg inside of the sausage. its very yum try it.

Questions about Sir Edmund Hillary
We have an enquiry about heroes and we have to pick a reel life hero and get good websites with good info and keep them then ask questions what we want to know about them and then post on our blog
storey writting
It happened that a Dog had got a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat it in peace. Now on his way home he had to cross a plank lying across a running way. As he crossed, he looked down and saw his own shadow reflected in the water beneath. Thinking it was another dog with another piece of meat, he made up his mind to have that also. So he made a snap at the shadow in the water, but as he opened his mouth the piece of meat fell out, dropped into the water and was never seen more. Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.
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